This page will keep you up to date on the most frequently asked questions and how to get started on your church history.

Getting Started

The history is a report that is created each year and tells what was done in the congregation for that year only. I write mine in March and include the events of the previous year, because our Coordinating Team is elected at the Mo Ranch Spring Gathering.  


If your church has not done a history for any number of years, don't worry about it. Start with this year and work forward. If you choose to make up the lost years, send them to Decatur, GA.   The history can be done by a single person or by a committee. It is important to take picutres for the congregation to enjoy.Photos and documents do not have to go to Georgia.  


The only information that needs to go to Georgia is the text (narrative) of the history. The history only includes the current year. You do not have to go back to the beginning of the church.   Much of the history can be gathered from weekly bulletins, newsletters, or minutes of the session or committees. Your comments will only enhance the history for those who read it.  


 Remember to keep a copy of the history for your congregation. Perhaps you may share it at Circle meetings or a PW Gathering. Add it to the New Visitor's Packets so they may know about the PW activities.
